Your CopyPortfolio & Strategy, On our Platform
Become a strategic partner of inxshares,
and open up yourself globally by launching your CopyPortfolio.
Quick & easy setup
Online distribution
Revenue sharing
Present your CopyPortfolio strategy, start immediately to promote and sell
Let investors find you, highlight your portfolios on our Portfolio Market
Creating your own CopyPortfolio is as quick & easy as it can be. We offer you tools to create your portfolio and to go live
- Quickly setup your CopyPortfolio 1 click Buy - Sell through pre installed settings
- Multiple currency conversion within a single portfolio from global Stock Exchanges, presented in USD and your choice of currency.
- View your statistics, and get performance data
- Get discovered by our existing community
- Investor’s enjoy a quick & hassle-free investing, no paperwork
Take the driver’s seat
Take the opportunity to become a professional Investor. As such, you get full control over your CopyPortfolio with comprehensive portfolio management solution.
- Use the CopyPortfolio Dashboard & track your performance
- Engage and interact with your customers
- Get important insights about your followers experience to constantly improve it
Pick the right portfolios to follow
Choose wisely, it makes a difference!
Find out the difference
You get
Algorithmic trading
We have introduced our first light model from our Black Box today. In coming versions will a selection of algorithmic trading system be available. -
Stock Exchange
Sell & Buy Manage your portfolios use our “Portfolio Market” and do your thing, see what other do in “People” in our virtual stock exchange. -
Technical Analysis
In this version have we implemented indicator for Positive and Negative for all stock and indices, for short period and long period of time. -
Stock Alerts
All is set for alerts in coming versions, with creative tools and autopilots. -
Stock Market Game
Our stock market game is constructed to engage you in an interactive way to upgrade your knowledge and skill. -
Technical Stock Screener
In this version will we implement indicator for Positive and Negative for all stock and indices, for short period and long period of time.
See others members investment strategy check out theirs portfolio
What tools are in use for this portfolio and how experience is the creator
Our skill competitions from Global
Exchanges will make you smile
Of that we are sure of!
Check it out for yourself